Information about the Four Deadliest Female Demons
Many people are overly and always scared the moment they come across the word demon. It even gets worse where one feels or is aware of meeting with the demon physically as they will ever wish or long to die. This is the ultimate way to differentiate between angels and demons as everybody would love to meet and be associated with an angel. These demons will always and have always been classified and seen to be bad misfortunes and characters. Generally, there are demons of the female gender as well as the male gender. Through this article, you will discover more about the deadliest female demons that exists in the face of the earth.
The first female demon that you need to understand is Batibad. Batibad is the huge and overly fat old female devil that tends to attack people whenever they are asleep. Basically, this demon lives in Ilocano, Folklore. There is a roaming fear amongst the people who live close to Batibad. It tends to attack them through strangling until one cannot breathe. Where you want to recuse a sleeping person from the wrath and attack of this demon, you should ensure to bite their toe which will immediately get them awake.
The second female demon to note is Hecate. Basically, this is a demon named in ancient Greek. This demon is overly known to seduce men eyeing at sleeping with them. The overall intent for seducing and sleeping with these men is to reproduce babies. As a result, Hecate gives birth to children that are half human and half devils. Her hopes is that she will rule the world one day together with her children.
Another fundamental female demon to note and understand is Pandora. Seemingly, many people believe that ailments and plagues witnessed on earth emanate from her. She is the first Greek woman to exist. Where thoughts of ailments and plagues click on people’s mind, they overly see Pandora to be the cause. Pandora has a jar that when opened tends to release all illnesses and plagues to the face of the earth.
The last but not the least, you should note about Lamashtu. Fundamental info about this demon tends to scare people to death. Many people are immensely afraid if this demon and they term it as the deadliest of them all. Basically, the head of Lamashtu is identical to a lions. Its body is overly hairy. The fingers of Lamashtu are overly bony and it has teeth and ears of a donkey. Newborn mothers together with the pregnant women are overly scared about Lamashtu. She is known to feed on these children.
The above are four deadliest female demons to note. These demons have their history and stories to tell. Therefore, you should ensure to research more info about each and every female demon for you to acknowledge it background.